Kent County Recorder of Deeds
Eugenia won her election and was sworn in on Jan 3, 2023.  

Thank you for your support!

She does not have a re-election committee.  

Voter Drop Off
There is something called "Voter Drop Off" meaning people will vote the "top of the ticket" and then fail to continue voting. You will find my name, and the other county offices way down at the bottom.   

Remember--"I'm just one step ahead of the Sheriff!"

Are you Registered?   Are you Voting Absentee?  
Please click the yellow button below to learn how to 
get registered and where you vote. Orn use this form.

Do you Need a Ride?
Use this form to contact me and tell me where you 
live.   We will take you to the polls & bring you home.   

Experience before Politics
Let us know if you need help regisering, votnng absentee, or driving to the polls
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